Decorating Small Spaces Doesn't Have to Be Hard!

By Decorology @decorology_blog
Small spaces require a different way of thinking but it doesn't have to be difficult.
via housebeautiful
Make items have duel purposes! Storage and seating? Looks like a win win to me!
via apartmenttherapy
Make it cozy. There's something about a comfortable space that makes you love it no matter the size.

via houseofroseblog
Utilize every nook and cranny! A closet might be better used as an office instead of storage space.
via designsponge
Your decor can be functional! Just because it's something that you use daily, doesn't mean it can be pretty and on a shelf for all to see.

via decoratingyoursmallspace
Get creative with the square footage you do have. Make items that can be put away, hidden, or stored but easily accessed.

via westelm
With small spaces comes less clutter and more function. Don't let it get you down, it's just as much fun to decorate!