Decorate Your Bathroom with Flowers

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Decorate your bathroom with flowers

One of the toughest rooms to decorate in your home is your bathroom. Just as much as we would love to keep it as clean as possible, the lack of colour and style can make the bathroom seem dull. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to decorate this small space. Candles and flowers are the two most popular options.

Candles can be placed inside long, cylindrical vases. The base can then be surrounded by potpourri. The smell of the potpourri and the light from the candle as you enjoy a soak in the tub is so soothing. Bathrooms can become a bit musty due to the high humidity. The sweet scent of the potpourri will help keep your bathroom smelling fresh.

Jelly candles are also popular because they can take on any theme. The jelly can be coloured and you can add various decorative items and trinkets to create the perfect atmosphere in your bathroom.

When choosing flowers, it's good to take note of any theme or colour scheme that you have or are trying to create. For example, if you have an ocean theme or a tropical theme, you should echo this theme with your flowers. Remember, it's not just about the flowers but the vase too. The colour, size, and design of the vase you choose is extremely important. While your vase needs to suit the flowers you choose, it should also suit the rest of the room.

Another option, if you want something that lasts longer than a cut flower arrangement, is a potted plant. When you choose your plant, make sure that you select one that enjoys humid environments. Your bathroom might not be permanently humid, but it will become very humid every time you have a shower or bath.

If you want to play it safe, you could opt for artificial flowers or an artificial potted plant. These flowers will not perish like fresh flowers and an artificial plant will not require any care. Even if you go away for the weekend or longer, you won't need to worry about returning to wilting plants.

One final thing to remember is to avoid trying to match your flower colours to the colour in the room or they won't stand out. For example, if your bathroom is mainly blue, you could display yellow flowers so that they really 'pop'.