Deco Tips // Children's Artwork for Home

By Facingnorth

Today I want you to meet my new favorite artist. She is 4 years old and daughter to Finnish interior stylists Susanna Vento. If you have followed Susanna's blog for a while, you  know she is extremely creative and it looks like her little daughter shares the same gene. After an home art session, she came up with the new pattern for Varpunen famous sacks and two posters that will be available in a limited edition through this shop.
When I was still living in Italy, my oldest niece was just a couple of years old. We used to spend many afternoons painting together, having fun creating some artworks her mom and grannies could use to decorate their homes. I have always found children's works extremely intriguing: if set free to express their souls without constrictions or directions, they can come up with precious pieces of their inner world. After working many years in an creativity and art therapy center, I can say that sharing these moments is extremely healthy for both sides and you never know what they can come up with.
Surely Susanna Vento's styling helped to showcase the works but the little girl's artistic inclination is doubtless. I do hope to see more of her works coming soon!
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