December Bookish Quiz
As I can't stick to a set monthly TBR, I thought I would do a little bookish quiz at the start of each month instead, which lays out a few books I have been reading/want to read soon! The idea was created by The Broke and Bookish.
1. The Book I’m Currently Reading:
Title: Across the Nightingale Floor Author: Lian Hearn After spotting this book in my library, I just fell in love with the title and cover. I am about halfway through now and it is living up to my expectations!
2. The Last Book I Finished:
3. The Next Book I Want to Read:
4. The Last Book I Bought:
Title: The Annotated Lolita Author: Vladimir Nabokov I recently read Lolita and, while it is a very disturbing and well-written book, I did find it confusing and hard to understand! I thought I'd get this and see if it could shed some light on the more complex parts. 5. The Last Book I was Given: