Death of the Desktop App?

Posted on the 22 January 2013 by Discerningdigital @DigiDiscern

In the late 90’s you had to post a CD ROM if you wanted to share your interactive App with someone. Thanks to Broadband it was considered a Brand Manager’s dream to have a Desktop App downloaded to every laptop and computer in the land.
It was said to be the holy grail of Digital Marketing to infiltrate the customer’s ‘personal space’ and share pride of place along-side the family desktop pattern. Interesting widgets and gadgets sprang to life on our computers, created by the likes of eBay, Amazon, Yell and UPS (remember the ‘Widget’ advertising campaign?).

Today we use our ‘computers’ far less often. Less for email (thanks to Facebook) and for all those little tasks that we now complete conveniently on a smart-phone or tablet.
Apple changed the game with the ‘App Store’ and now the word ‘App’ is common place in every household and part of our daily lives.
Technology has evolved (with services such as Adobe Flex) so that Apps can be created for brands that work across desktops and mobile.

A more recent example of Desktop Apps in action is Microsoft Windows 8, which provides lots of flexibility to customise your desktop with your favorite Apps.
So, the Desktop App has been on quite an evolutionary adventure! One that is certain to continue as the lines between desktop and mobile blur.

If you manage brand or marketing activities, or work for an agency that creates Apps, we’d be interested to know if you think Desktop Apps are in deathly decline, or evolving? Add a comment and let us know what you think…