Death of Arik Einstein on Haredi Websites

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Arik Einstein was definitely one of the great Israeli singers. Many of his songs are classics in the Israeli music scene and accompany the history of Israel. Surely he was one of the greats.

That being said, I was a bit surprised to see how the Haredi news websites, bar none, all announced his death. The Haredi websites do not usually give time and space to celebrities and Israeli culture, yet Arik Einstein's death was featured on every single Haredi news website. Surprising.
What does it indicate?
Maybe nothing. Or, maybe it says something about Arik Einstein how he was beloved by all, even by those who normally eschew the general Israeli culture and he was able to cross those barriers. Or, maybe it says something about Haredi society that it does not really eschew general culture, but embraces it as long as it does not counter them and their lifestyle.

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