Dear Old Me; Dear Future Me.

By Misslara16 @misslara

Dear old me, thanks for holding up this long, thanks for being strong through the hard times and thanks for holding up even when you should have given up. I love you but we need to part ways. I have a few reasons why this should be.
Basically, you held on to some things that you didn't need to hold on to, you lowered your standards in more ways than one. You did things in the bid to conform and you disappointed God and I more than a few times. At some point you did things that was not you actually below you, believe me, I think you have not lived to the full potential deposited on your inside. In times when you were to hold on to God in faith just a little longer you didn't, I know it was hard for you but you didn't. Oh! and at some point, you were just plain complacent and that! is not acceptable. I am sorry but we have to part ways to give room for the future me.

Dear future me, you are the manifestation the good book has foretold, in you is the power to change your world, you shall not give in to complacency, procrastination  laziness. you shall not hold back, you shall launch forth into your world precise and powerful like a rocket.
Dear future me, 'old me' made those mistakes so you can learn from them, so what's the plan? as from now on, new self your dreams receive manifestation. This year, you have to grow in wisdom, in knowledge, in favour with both God and man and your emotional intelligence has to go right up! You shall be called blessed in the city and in your home, don't worry because God's words guarantees that. You shall achieve your dreams and visions and be a blessing to your world.
Dear future me, this year you shall not settle, you shall not hold on to frivolities and you shall focus your attention to those things that matter, things with eternal value. Moreover, this is your year and season for enlargement, its a time to put in effort so that God will multiply it. You shall take your own advice and not fail to plan in order not to plan to fail. Less thinking more doing, more knowing and more believing, no choice but to be the best so get to it!
Dear future me there are more things I would like to say but I will stop for now we will have this conversation privately later. I ask God to be with you, guide you and direct you lest you dash your feet against a stone.
Have a fabulous 2013 filled with increase!