Dear New People at the Department – A State Government Employee Speaks

By Marilyngardner5 @marilyngard

I work  at a State Department of Health. I can assure you that anything you ever believed about state government is true. There is red tape, there is waste, there is a rigid system that sometimes defies believability. There are also some amazing people who care deeply about their communities and will work through the frustrations of a system to make changes that matter. Changes that ultimately make communities healthier.


Dear New People,

Since the spring, I have watched many of you come to the Department. You come in fresh and new. You have brought fresh ideas, energy, style, and decorating skills to our gray government building on Washington Street. You are amazing. Many of you are new graduates, and the masters diplomas that you proudly received in May are now being tested.

They are being tested in a place that can rob your soul with rules and beauracracy, and stifle your spirit. They, and you, are meeting the real life of state employment. You are seeing what is not pretty, what is wasteful, what is just plain mean.

And I worry. A Lot. Because you are gifted and energetic, and you have probably already seen what happens to some who stay in state employment. Yes – I know you have.

For me it was the person that spent all day playing Solitaire that defeated my soul. Then it was the addiction to mediocrity, and the “Well, we’ve nevah done that befoha…” I watched as people with energy would either sink into mediocrity or leave. It happened over and over.

And so I have some advice for you. Like chaff, some of it may blow away in the wind. But my hope is that most of it is wheat, and will nourish your souls and remind you to always, always strive for excellence.

  1. Don’t let the Debbie Downers steal your spirit. It’s easy for the nay sayers in the Department to have the loudest voices. Don’t let them.
  2. Keep on decorating – from Target to Home Goods, keep on bringing in the pretty. This gray building will make you color blind. Don’t let it happen!
  3. Find ways to work around the system. Yup. You heard it from me. Do not let rules prevent you from doing a project that you know will work and work well.
  4. Keep on being nice to the mean people. Because you never know- one of them smiled at me the other day. It’s taken seven years……
  5. Keep your sense of style. You’ve seen how some of the older folks in the building look. Don’t let yourself go like that….believe me, there will be times when it will be easy. But don’t do it.
  6. Continue to defeat agism. You are all so good at treating those of us who are older with respect. Thank you. Thank you for not dismissing us.
  7. Get out into the community at least once a month. The ivory tower will not help you in your work. Get out into the community, meet real people, find out what they think will work. No matter what department you are working in, make this a reality.
  8. You are the multitasking generation. So go on Facebook, go on Twitter…just don’t stay there. Because then you become the woman who played solitaire all day on state time, and wasted money.
  9. If you are in charge of a budget, make wise decisions. Don’t, I repeat, DON’T spend it on stupid things that will never be used by the community. (Or anyone else for that matter!) I could tell you stories….but I value my job.
  10. Remember to always operate by this question: “Who do I want to like me when I am 80?” It is an excellent life guide.
  11. If you find that despite all this, that you are vulnerable to the Dementor’s Kiss and that the Department Dementor’s are stealing your soul – then PLEASE leave. Because you are the Harry Potter generation and you know what will happen if you stick around.

Thank you for who you are. You have brought new life to our Department – and I thank you. Just don’t let the Department rob you of yours.

Love from,

An employee of seven years…..