We are trained as viewers to know when certain things are supposed to happen in film and TV shows. Main characters aren’t supposed to die in the middle of the film. Sitcoms aren’t supposed to wrap everything up until the very end of the episode. Season-long big bads aren’t supposed to be defeated until the season finale. And Game of Thrones isn’t supposed to uncork its showcase, big budget moment of the season until the penultimate episode where they make a mini-movie and then use the season finale to reflect on everything and set up the next season. When the formula is not adhered to you can feel invigorated, silently screaming to yourself “This isn’t supposed to be happening yet!”, giving way to the realization that you now have no idea what’s going to happen next.
[Spoiler Alert for Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Episode “Hardhome”]
That’s how I felt watching the final 20+ minutes of Game of Thrones last night. In the episode, Cersei continued to defiantly suffer in prison, Tyron talked his way into becoming Daenyrs’ advisor, Arya inched closer to becoming an assassin, and Theon accidentally let Sansa know that her two brothers are alive. That’s all fine and good, a perfectly solid set of stories, particularly the new power duo of Daenyrs and Tyrion. However, in the final third of the episode Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane, and Dolorous Edd attempted to convince wildlings at Hardhome to return to Castle Black where they would be allowed passage through the Wall and given land to farm in exchange for their promise to take up arms and come to their aid whenever the White Walkers attack. Some of the wildlings were convinced that this was their best option, some weren’t. In general, the wildilings hate the Night’s Watch, the Night’s Watch hate the wildlings, yada, yada, yada. While all of this is a testament to Jon’s growing leadership and a crucial next step beyond the war fought against the wildlings last season, it’s also very familiar. Beyond its opening scene, this show has mostly only ever told us how scared we should be of the White Walkers without showing us. It’s been almost three full seasons since we saw an army of White Walkers descending upon the Wall. When do we get to see more of that?
And then as the wildlings boarded ships to Castle Black in “Hardhome” a series of avalanches hit the nearby snow-packed mountains, heralding the imminent arrival of White Walkers, who bring extreme cold wherever they go. All of the characters stopped to look up, squinting while attempting to make anything out from the haze of snow and wind cascading down the mountains and toward the village. The wildlings on the other side of Hardhome’s gate are the first to actually see the threat, rushing back to the gate which is quickly closed, leaving them to be slaughtered:
The opening scene follows three black-cad riders exiting some kind of gate and heading out into snow-packed woods, the scout of the group quickly venturing ahead and coming across mutilated corpses which have been laid on the ground in some kind of pattern. Horrified, the scout returns to the group, and a slasher movie breaks out. The scout is the scared one, another member of his party is the brave but rationale one who reasons they should head back, and the leader is a grade-A asshole who idiotically ignores any warnings, belittles the others for being scared and forces them to head directly into danger. So, of course, the asshole dies first, stricken down by the blade of this slasher scenario’s killer, which looks kind of like a human-sized Frost Giant from Thor. This villain is supernaturally strong, inexpeciablly outruns the good guys even though we never actually see it running, and is mostly glimpsed in shadow. Its most defining characteristic is the way its blue eyes appear to glow, and, in a delightfully unsettling twist, it can re-animate the dead, turning what was once an adorable little girl into a blue-eyed zombie. The sequence ends with the brave man being decapitated and his head tossed at the feet of the scared guy, who appears to be frozen in fear.
What the heck just happened? I now know that the victims were members of the Nights Watch, and the mutilated corpses belonged to Westeros’ few free folk who live beyond a gigantic ice wall and face extreme hardships as a preferable alternate to living under the rule of the Iron Throne. The slasher killer was something called a White Walker, supernatural, practically unkillable set of ancient beings who present a larger threat to Westeros than any kind of comparably silly tussle over who gets to sit on the throne. The early tagline for the show was “Winter is Coming,” and I immediately understood what that meant – Eventually, the White Walker’s will attack, and when that happens Westeros is screwed.
I was hooked, and then an odd thing happened – the White Walkers mostly stayed away from that point forward. It was important that we saw one of them in action to understand how much they should be feared because we would soon learn that almost everyone doubted their existence entirely. However, ‘twas but a hint, and ever since then we’ve been drip-fed more information about them. In season 2, we learned that one particularly foul leader of the free folk maintained a truce with the Walkers by routinely offering them baby boys as sacrifices. By the end of season 2, we saw a thoroughly cool shot of White Walkers leading an army of the undead in a march against the Wall, but next to nothing followed that other than Sam killing a lone Whiter Walker in season 3 using something called dragonglass.
Yet, from what I understand, the show has used the White Walkers more than the novels have to this point, and the Battle at Hardhome was a complete creation of the show, making it the first time in the history of Game of Thrones we have seen the White Walkers in complete battle. Feel free to correct me in the comments, novel readers. Either way, thank you, Game of Thrones, because that battle, particularly the remarkably pants-crapping ending, was among the more stunning sequences on any TV show I’ve watched this year.