Dear Clark, I Can’t Be with My Twin Flame….

By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017

Dear Clark,   I dream of Love.  I’m having some of my needs met emotionally by a lost love.

Clark: (Your needs aren’t met from someone, your attention to the need inside you is captured together with another.)

Dear Clark, I know that I can’t love him in this life. He can’t love me in his life either. Yet, we need each other. I left my husband two weeks ago, and I came back to him. My lost love totally understood. The lost love is my twin flame. I want to love him. He wants to love me, but our conscious keeps us in our immediate lives.

Clark: Your unconscious state keeps you in limbo you mean?

Dear Clark, We know we have love. We know that we love each other. But we can’t be together. It would hurt too many people. We hope that someday we can love each other. Be together. Unfortunately, it probably will never happen. We can dream though. Is it wrong? The way we feel?

Clark: Your love is neither a consequence or a painful experience… both of these are secondary, the truth is always your primary.  There are truths about what love unlocks and keeps locked away within us.  To experience a great love gives love to heal in ways that is neither dark nor sinister just freedom of what your existence can be.  Love has a very unique advantage it sees pain as a threshold to more love.  In this case, if it is true love it will seek out and find a way to come whether you go willingly or not. Usually in a dream state.  You see what becomes a secret never allows love to become the pure place of truth within you and within the other that shares this love.  You will always carry this burden with you.  The greater the love calls to the inside of you, the more you are going to hurt those that you love as well.  You see love is the truth it has it’s ability to create more love, not hate, or hurt as it seems.  If your love has happiness within it, wouldn’t that be contagious?  I am being direct about this, for it seems that to run from pain keeps you in pain and facing pain keeps you in pain and all of this because you don’t chose love.  The freedom of love is in truth. Run from this and you get more pain.  Yet you can always go through the threshold of pain with the truth that love gives you!

I am going to give you an example of how truth can see you free.. then you make a decision but realize that the impact of this decision carry’s the utmost truth.  There will only be the place I point in the long term.

10 year old Clark sees his parents who have been together 15 years of marriage.. he sees them as a unit of who produced him.  He will not only take what his father teaches him, he will take what his mother instills in him as well.  He sees his father not really there all the time always working and supporting the family and his mother to.  However he sees them with very little interaction.  They seem to get along ok, at times, but other times he never sees them kiss or hug or hold each other.  As he becomes 16, and his parents are still together he sees them even more individually as he did before.  He finds his first girlfriend, and spends time with her, and may even lose his virginity behind closed doors.. yet his ability to show her any kind of affection based on time, slowly dies out, as time goes on.  This could be for months, even years, in some cases.. Yet he feels something empty inside himself, he never truly feels connected, and probably won’t think about it.  For this is what Clark sees as normal in the stream of energy he was presented with in his parental unit.. It isn’t what he was shown.. it was what he wasn’t shown.

Now let’s say Clark has the same circumstances and his parents split. On one end his mother has found a blissful connection that always gives her the strength to give Clark what true love is, there is kissing, holding hands, attention to each other in eyes connecting that he can experience.. and let’s say his father does this as well or even less let’s say his father doesn’t..  Clark will now have a view of what happiness can bring and what true love is cause he feels it from the connection that is shared with both parents.  It is more love than he had previously and more than that it is something that he still will feel as he has his connection out there.  He sees the purpose of something magic in it’s form.  There are 9 billion people on this planet doing this very thing in this very moment.  Never making a decision to grow their love, rather they stifle it, cause it is to save others from pain.. yet never showing them that love can heal anything.  Truth is the thing we run from. It is never going to be that until you face the truth in you.  You will always be wondering what if, and you will hold your current partner responsible for this, if you are unhappy and know it.  How fair is that?  It’s truly not. The truth sets you free.  If you have your twin flame within distance and are not making the connection and it’s gifts a priority by falling in love with the true places in you.  Then how can you give that to your friends, your family and even more yourself.  You never have to second guess yourself.  You second guess love by placing your thoughts in it.  Remember you are connected beyond what others think, beyond what others can feel. And you run from ever showing them it’s possible.  Do you see how you change everything in that future moment. It is that moment right here and now. You get to make this a choice by realizing how much love you have in you that will be locked away from a lie you have to tell yourself cause you no longer feel the love in you to know what love is.

Your primary purpose is to enable consciousness to flow into what you do. The secondary

purpose is whatever you want to achieve through the doing. Whereas the notion of purpose

before was always associated with future, there is now a deeper purpose that can only be found

in the present, through the denial of time.

Your secondary or outer purpose lies within the dimension of time, while your main purpose is

inseparable from the Now and therefore requires the negation of time. How are they reconciled?

By realizing that your entire life journey ultimately consists of the step your are taking at this

moment. There is always only this one step, and you give it your fullest attention. This doesn’t

mean you don’t know where you are going; it just means this step is primary, the destination

secondary. And what you encounter at your destination once you get there depends on the

quality of this one step. Another way of putting it: What the future holds for you depends on

your state of consciousness now.

Do you see how you have made a enemy out of what if’s and have lost precious time on how love can truly impact your existence.  How much love can you take in one single step? It isn’t about hurting others it is about the truth in love that sets you free!

Here is how the mind has you both trapped in what you are doing… I can dream of this and never have it, isn’t that false love?  You dream of something someone is and yet you create other things about them that may never resonate in a dream world that is left with you never experiencing it other than dreams you have inside you.  There is where the lie is!  It is staring you in the face.  The truth is here and now, where is your love?  Will it grow from this moment or will you keep it from growing living inside of a lie?

Lying to ones self is a sure fire way into making an enemy out of all relationships, most importantly to include the relationship with yourself.   It will not matter which, for you are never genuine when you make it about everyone outside you who can’t see the real you that will emerge from being the more that you are in love. Do you see the point?

The point is what love is in connection only opens your eyes to heal with love all things outside of the connection to make it connect.  Your mind tells you this is impossible.  Yet isn’t your mind in control of what is possible in pain?  Isn’t your mind the decision device that you use to keep you from death in any moment.  Love is a feeling that guides you to truth and when you live in truth you give love more freely!

If you would make this decision of being more happy by yourself then chose this over being with someone who only fills partial needs.  These needs are not really needed by you, they are telling you the false is always going to be your destiny.  It is how it keeps you in bondage from truth.  A lie is always best when it is influenced by circumstances.  A circumstance is that you will never have the love you deserve because you will hurt others in your choice.  A choice is never a consequence when you commit completely, it is love in motion!  How else would you have learned to walk after crawling?

I hope this gave you something to ponder on and make it this moment.. Remember your love is inside you, if you underestimate it then everyone else will.

Again I will tell you pain is the pushing threshold to love.. What gives great pain will have a love like no other when it comes to you in that moment.

Love Deeply

Make no mistake as to what a twin flame is.   A twin flame will mirror to you a deep love inside you to also give you the mirror of what you can’t accept about yourself! It is a very painful rebirth that opens the pain to place love inside of it, just as child birth did in entry.   You will not be able to be with them this pain will be greater as time passes, imagine a magnet facing another it will not stay apart successfully.   When the greater intelligence in you connects to the greater intelligence in them the sync is unbearable… It will not be denied or will find it’s way on it’s own even if thought to be reversed. It can be activated if it hasn’t happened to you.If you can close your eyes and empty your mind… Can you feel his heartbeat inside your own?  Can you feel the pain in your heart when he intimately gives himself to another at the moment he is? The vibrational energy of a twin goes beyond any conventional connection, it doesn’t require a thought process.   It brings you yourself to see beyond your mind, beyond your being, directly to your soul… A thought about someone is a thought that directs energy inside you that keeps you from emerging to be yourself.. If this is where you are trapped this is where you will stay.. You do have the energy to change this. It is a simple step.. this step.. this moment!


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