Dear Chai

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
My precious boy, you are five! 
This year you've grown in leaps and bounds. You've lost all traces of toddlerhood and are a true little boy. At the moment you're a delightful mix of innocent little boy with a few traces of the big boy that you'll grow into. You're starting to get your own life, it feels strange knowing there are parts of your life that I don't know about.
A few weeks ago you had your first proper big boy play. K2 picked you up from school and you went home with M for a play. You were so excited, you'd been looking forward to it all week and couldn't wait for Friday to arrive. When I got there you were happily playing away without a care in the world. Last year you would have been anxious and asking constantly when I would pick you up, this year you didn't give it a second though, you knew I'd come to pick you up and you were thrilled to be playing with your friend.
You've really taken to school this year. Last year you'd get upset when we dropped you off, this year you happily say goodbye then sit on the mat waiting for class to begin. On the weekends you complain because it's not a school day. I'm so happy that you love school, I was really worried that it'd be too much for you, but you've taken it all in your stride.
You are such a beautiful soul. You're kind and considerate, a wonderful big brother to Eljay. I love to watch the two of you laughing and playing together. Whilst you fight, you're always the first to stick up for and protect Eljay. You are a real protector, always watching out for your friends and making sure they're okay. You have no fear when you're protecting a friend, you don't hesitate to tell someone off, even when they are a lot bigger than you. 
My darling boy, you are the most wonderful, delightful, difficult and rewarding part of my life. I am so, so grateful that you chose me to be your mother. I love you with everything I have and I always will. Happy birthday baby.