Dear Abigail - An Update

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx

Dear Abigail..

I'm feeling very sentimental today, you're currently asleep in my arms looking so beautiful, your tiny lips are pursed together and you're holding my finger with your precious little hand, I keep looking down at you and the amount of love I feel for you is unreal. In 9 days you're going to be 8 months old, I don't realize how big you are till I look at pictures of you as a newborn, it makes me sad in a way, I don't really remember it, the haze of lack of sleep and anxiety have created a blur, even though in those moments of you snuggled against my chest, I made sure I treasured every bit of it, as much as I could. 

You're such a good baby, people don't believe us when we say you rarely cry, sure you have your moans and groans but you are a baby! But I honestly don't remember the last time you actually cried properly! Thank you for that :). Watching you yesterday crawl across the living room floor was amazing, you were so determined to get your book, you shuffled forward, stuck your little bum in the air and off you went! You did get a little frustrated but you did it! This is where the fun starts..

You're saying words now, Dada, Mama and your favorite word you say all the time is Bra bra?? It's so cute actually watching you pronounce your r's :). You love being outside, you're no longer happy to just lay down in your pram and take in the world, no, you have to sit upright whilst holding the sides, constantly looking left and right so you don't miss anything! If the sun goes in your eyes you just lean forward and use your cosytoes to shield them :)

You had your first go on the swings and slide the other day, you absolutely loved it, holding on to the chains and watching daddy as he held you, you gave us huge smiles when daddy made  you go higher too, daredevil!

You currently do this thing with your hands, where you twist and twirl them like you're dancing, just like the gorgeous Indian dancing, I guess it's a way for you to express yourself, we think you might be a mime artist when you're bigger :) Ha

We bought you you're first paddling pool the other day, obviously the sun has now disappeared but we can't wait to see you splashing in it during the summer in your little swimming costume! Ahhh! Cue the photos! I promise you'll look cute! :)Thank you for being such a little angel, and I know it sounds super cheesy but you really are the light of our lives, your gorgeous little smile and precious giggling fits at random words, your beautiful long eyelashes, that tiny button nose, your stunningly blue eyes and every other little part of you, we can't wait to see your personality develop even more and watch you grow into a proper little girlie :).Love you bubblegum :) xxx