Dealing with Night Sweats

By Nancy Bell @nancyfancyfree

My night sweats and hot flashes have been continually been getting better over the past month.  I think my hormones are being nice to me and trying to balance out a bit…I hope so. :)  There are many factors that cause and initiate night sweats for me; my environmental, psychological and behavioral situations can transform me into a fish at night.
Here are some tips that work for my symptoms
•    Wear loose clothing made of natural fibers to bed
•    Keep the bedroom cool and well-ventilated
•    Avoid spicy foods before bed
•    Maintain a regular schedule before bed
•    Avoid excessive caffeine…very difficult for a coffee-holic :)
•    Exercise regularly, not before bed

I also keep a personal journal of the frequency of my night sweats and hot flashes and what I think might have caused them.  This journal gives me an idea of how the night sweats and hot flashes were triggered and how to prevent it in the future.  I noticed spicy foods and light night snacks equaled a sweaty night for me.  Since realizing this I have been able to change my diet and have seen a difference.

It’s not always about what you are doing but what you aren’t doing.  Since I began eating healthier and exercising I have also noticed a decrease in the intensity of them.  I really believe that exercising is good for the entire body, I feel such achievement after every work out.
Emotional and behavioral tendencies also can cause night sweats.  Here are a few that affect me-
•    High stress situations
•    Anxiety
•    Disturbing dreams- nobody enjoys a nightmare
I was shocked to find out 75% of menopausal women experience night sweats.  I am glad I am not alone.  Although my night sweats have been kinder to me lately, I love hearing about what other people do to control them. You never know when you need better techniques to deal with them.

Please leave a comment on how you control your night sweats and hot flashes.

Keep Cool,