Dealing with Neighborhood Dogs and Chickens

By Chelseajmartin

Yesterday, the neighbor’s husky from over a 1/2 mile away, decided to visit our chicken coop. This was the dog’s third visit to our yard. He heads down the street when he escapes.

Unlike the last two times that didn’t end in any chicken deaths, the dog became more efficient. He headed right IN TO the coop and managed to kill three of our birds. 1 broody sussesx- took her right out of the box. 1 brahman who was diligently laying an egg. And our mini-miracle rooster who had had many close calls with death but always managed to survive.

We’ve lost chickens during the last few years. It happens. It is sad. But this was unnecessary. The dog owners were home. The dog still had time to travel down to the house and terrorize our flock.

Best part is, they offered to “pay” us for the birds. Good luck with that. How about you allocate those funds to keeping your dog in your yard.

We have a shrinking flock with increasing drama. It’s time to move some hens into the city and look at protecting those left out at the suburban “farm”.