Deadlocked has been named as one of the Most Anticipated Paranormal Books of 2012 (#2 to be precise), according to!
This is what they said…although the writer of this article doesn’t seem to be familiar with the series.
2. Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris, book twelve or thirteen of The Sookie Stackhouse Series will continue the tale of Sookie the barmaid. Chapter One can be read in the Sookie Companion and the second chapter can be read on her website here.
Now, my brain might be a little bit fuzzy due to all the Christmas eggnog I drank…so correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall Chapter One being in the Sookie Stackhouse Companion, do you?
In case you’re interested in finding out which other books are highly anticipated this coming year, please click here!
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts below!