Deadlift Competition Training

By Roserighter @roserighter
I'm on a mission to set another state record in female deadlifting. Though last year the competition was a last minute decision and I didn't have a chance to "train" for it specifically, This year has been quite different. I've been training to increase my strength and power up my deadlift all year.
Now the challenge is less than two weeks away. I've been training hard at the gym, espeically over the last few weeks, as I built my strength up in areas that will help my deadlift. I spent extra time focusing on my hamstrings, back, abs and shoulders. It has been exhausting to say the least. With my personal trainers advice, I've switched up my routine to include days where I went all out and lifted very heavy amounts of weight, as well as days where I lightened the load and performed more repetitions. I continue to set new personal records at the gym, which I find very satisfying.
Though I can't predict the outcome of the challenge of how I will feel that day, I do have some goals. My first lift will be roughly 260, which is just above my highest lift of 253.5 from last year. If I get that, I'll automatically set the state record again. My personal goal is to be able to lift 300. I want to be able to get that on record this time. If I can get higher, that would be nice too. I'll get a total of four attempts if I set the state record.
As of this week, I've started the deloading process. In other words, I've ligthened up on the weight I'm lifting and lessened the number of reps I'm doing. I've also inlcuded more cardio. I'll continue this pattern for a week and then the week before the challenge I'll do very little exercise other than some ab work. My goal at this point is to be fully healed and rested for the big day. Other than that, I'll be upping my protein intake to stay strong.