Dead Trigger is a Great Game in Mobile Gaming World

Posted on the 19 January 2013 by Yogeshvashist98 @YogeshVashist98

The mobile gaming world has exploded over the past few years. More people now mobile game than use any individual type of gaming console. That means that the mobile gaming community is hands down the largest gaming network in the world. This has led to a large spike in development of the mobile gaming community which makes for some pretty impressive games.

Why Mobile Gaming?

There are a lot of large game developers that have moved their concentration from the gaming console world and focused it in on the mobile gaming community, and many wonder why. The truth is that the console gaming world can be somewhat restrictive. It is costly to license a game, and that is just the ability to release it and does not include the price of development. Mobile gaming is completely different. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry can launch a game if they choose to, or can figure out how to create one. This makes for a lot of competition in the mobile gaming community which in turn makes for some pretty impressive games.

Mobile gaming has become so popular for the simple fact that it is easy and convenient. You do not have to fire up a console or hook it up to your TV if you do not want to. You just simply have to press a button on your phone. Mobile games have rather basic controls so they are easy to learn, and that does not mean you have to sacrifice the quality of your game. Major titles such as Doom or Call of Duty are available for you mobile device which means that you do not eliminate playing your favorite games. This makes for a rather long list of impressive mobile games.

Image source: Google Play

Dead Trigger

Dead Trigger is one of the most recent releases in a long line of impressive mobile games. It is apocalyptic zombie craziness. The game takes place after a crazy uprising in 2012. Government was overthrown, and then all of the sudden billions of people were wiped out by some virus. The only problem is that those that succumbed to the virus did not stay dead. They became bloodthirsty zombies and they are on the hunt for you.

What is my job in the Game?

Your job is to simply survive. You will need to collect supplies, protect yourself and other survivors you may have, and defend your home base at all costs. The downside is that you are running low on ammo, so you will have to fight the zombies in anyway that you can. Damn, I don’t like being low on ammo, I need to kill some zombies.

This game has an extreme attention to detail with some of the most amazing 3D graphics that are currently available. The developers spared no expense with developing a creative game that is visually stimulating, entertaining, and fun. Even the music will keep you entertained. You have not even heard the best part yet. You can try it out for free. The full version is available for download for around $5.00. Dead Trigger has won a few awards for the amazing game play and graphics, and it is arguably one of the most visually attractive games that are currently available for the mobile community.

Instead of Conclusion

The game is consistently rated extremely well, and there are entire communities that have been built around the discussion of the game play. It is poised to be one of the most influential games of the mobile community for the year.

To your success: