Just a reminder that tonight's edition of the Dead Good Poetry Show will be playing for the next two hours on Fylde Coast Community Radio.
Tonight's show will be following a theme of Oscar Wilde. Poetry will come from TS Elliot, Oscar Wilde and many, many others.
And, as always, there will be some great music, related poetry and lots and lots of fun. The theme this week relates to Oscar Wilde so we'll be hearing some of his poetry.
Mitzi Szereto website: http://mitziszereto.com
Mitzi Szereto on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mitziszereto
Mitzi Szereto Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/mitziszereto.fanpage
Mitzi TV: http://mitziszereto.com/tv
Errant Ramblings: Mitzi Szereto’s Weblog: http://mitziszereto.com/blog
Mitzi Szereto Google+ Fan Page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/105002950509883985630/+Mitziszereto/posts
Mitzi Szereto on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/72445.Mitzi_Szereto
Mitzi Szereto on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Mitzi-Szereto/e/B001JS3YLE/
The Wilde Passions of Dorian Gray website: http://mitziszereto.com/wildepassionsofdoriangray/
If you want to participate can tweet poems to @deadgoodpoets on Twitter, or share poems through the Lancashire Dead Good Poets FaceBook page, or send mail direct to ashleyrlister@gmail.com.
As always, we'll read the best stuff out live on air.
To be a part of the experience find Fylde Coast Community Radio on any one of the links below.