Appearance: Hazy peach, off white head, good retention.
Aroma: Winey, white pepper, elegant funk, vanilla, floral, grapefruit, grapes, mushrooms, cilantro, coriander.
Taste: Lemon juice, lime, funk, vanilla, grapefruit.
Overall Impression: Cuvée De Ranke is nicely tart. It’s also very elegant and quite complex. It’s a mix between the tartness and funk of a Lambic and the sweet/sour flavor balance of a Flemish Red. De Ranke isn’t the biggest brewery, so if you see this treat in your local store, jump on it. You’ll be very happy you did.
Availability: In limited quantities year round. Imported by Shelton Brothers.
7% ABV
Notes: Best by 25/04/2018 (April 25, 2018), Bottled on 25/04/2013