Days to Go: 98

By Claire

I’m also mak­ing the table plan but I haven’t started that yet as I’m still wait­ing for all the RSVP’s to come in.


I didn’t make but I did buy the favours myself, and I am going to fill them with mini eggs.

 We wanted to have a lit­tle nod to Easter, as we’re get­ting mar­ried that week­end, so we have cho­sen mini eggs for the sweets in the favours. I bought the boxes from Con­fetti in the sale. They were already put together with the rib­bon on, and they were cheaper than if I’d bought and assem­bled them myself!

I really like them and I think they’re sturdy and pretty.

H2b didn’t want every­one to have a lit­tle box, he wanted to alter­nate the favours and sug­gested some lit­tle bags. He actu­ally spot­ted them in Hobby Craft.

I really like how they’re the right color but they’ve also got a lit­tle bit of sparkle on them. Sparkle is a theme through­out our wed­ding, along with lilac, but not too overtly.

Table Con­fetti

I wanted to have a mix of dia­mantes and paper confetti.

My lit­tle brother spent a few hours cut­ting out 128 dou­ble hap­pi­ness pieces. My h2b said that 128 was an aus­pi­cious num­ber, so that’s how many we cut out using a paper stamp my friend found on the inter­net for me.

I used some thin lilac card from Hobby Craft for the con­fetti as the color was on both sides. It was very dif­fi­cult to find the right paper but I’m really pleased with the effect. There’s a shiny side and a dull side which I think adds to the detail on the tables.

I found the dia­man­tés on Ama­zon, for a frac­tion of the place that your typ­i­cal wed­ding sup­pli­ers were sell­ing them. I’m not sure if that’s enough for an entire table but I can always get another bag of each color to cover the tables.

I didn’t exactly make the dia­mantes myself, but I will sort it all into batches for the tables myself.

Place Name Tabs

I made these all by myself on Mak­ing Day, and I’m rather pleased with them.

I chose pur­ple and sil­ver rib­bon from Hobby Craft as it fit­ted in with the theme of the wed­ding, and I thought it looked pretty too.

I chose lit­tle dia­manté flow­ers also from Hobby Craft. They look a bit yel­low in this pic­ture because of the warm light from my liv­ing room, but you can get the idea from the picture.

I put dou­ble sided tape on one side of the lilac rib­bon as I found that this stuck onto the card labels best. The flow­ers were self adhe­sive and this seemed to stick together on to the rib­bon quite well. The over all effect was this:

I’m really pleased with how they turned out. I bought the sil­ver shim­mer place cards from Ama­zon which I really liked and wrapped the rib­bon around them with the flow­ers on top. I hadn’t copied the idea from any­where, the design just built itself from the resources I had avail­able. There are prob­a­bly many other sim­i­lar designs out there.

The Table Plan

I have an idea of how I’m going to make the table plan. I want to use the rib­bon and the dia­manté flow­ers to link to the place names so it’s all coor­di­nated. I was going to make all the table plan square and frame it with a sil­ver square frame.

Photo Booth Project

As you know from a pre­vi­ous post, my h2b is mak­ing our photo booth. That’s a project much big­ger than any­thing I’m mak­ing. My h2b is work­ing really hard on the booth with some help from my dad.

While every­thing I’m mak­ing is small and pretty, this booth is going to be big and ele­gant. H2b chose the wall paper and the design, I helped to choose some of the frames.

He’s work­ing so hard, I can’t wait to see when it’s finished!

Those are my updates so far. I will post back again to let you know what else is hap­pen­ing.