We’ve finally got to grips with it though, and I think our seating plan is done.
I’ve detailed how I made the seating plan but it’s already been changed! We’ve swapped one table around already and we’re checking everyone fits where they’re supposed to.
The kiddies books I told you about in my last post have arrived as well! I think they’re
absolutely fab and I’m even thinking I could use them at work when we do ‘wedding week’. A lot of the activities in the book are for slightly older children who can read, but there are a lot of activities accessible to younger children, such as colouring in the wedding gift picture, decorating the wedding cake and designing outfits for the bride and groom.
There’s even some cooperative games for children to play with each other or with an adult.
Things are falling into place, we’re even starting to order the usher’s gifts, but I still don’t know if I need to be measured for my dress yet!