Day of Adventures at SAFRA Yishun

By Spunktitude @spunktitud3

Conquered my first rock climbing expedition!
I accompanied Darren to his video interview at SAFRA Yishun Country Club over the weekend, and had an opportunity to try out their different activities at the one-day Open House. Boy, did I have fun!

Activities available at the club include rock climbing, Canopy Challenge Walk, Indoor Air Weapon Range, bowling and a gorgeous swimming pool. On normal days, one needs to be a member of the various sports and shooting clubs and pay equipment rental fees, but these were waived during the Open House at a nominal entrance fee.

Darren doing his video interview
True to himself, he’s still full of crap on TV lol

He looks so cute even with a blooper :)

Now my turn to have fun!
I was particularly looking forward to check our the shooting range since I was in the school air rifle team many, many, many years ago. I wondered if I had lost my touch after such a long time; I wouldn’t be surprised if I can’t even remember how to load a rifle!

I better not lose to these young girls and uncle. Stress.

Sexy shooting. I may point my rifle the wrong way.

Will I be able to hit the bull’s eye?

Pellets and Target Board

My Arnold Schwarzenegger loading his pack
Will he be able to protect me? Or will I be protecting him instead?

Aim, and shoot!
We were give 6 pellets per round

Getting back my ‘report card’
Trepidation filled as I awaited for my target board to come back

I think I found my next profession – hired killer LOL
I was pleasantly surprised at my results – all bull’s eye! Looks like I haven’t lost my touch, haha. That said, think they must have tweaked the level to the easiest for the Open House. But I am still happy with this ego booster!

We went to check out the rock climbing wall and canopy walk next

The 25m wall is as tall as the trees. Glurp.

A lady climber made it to the top! Pose for photos!

The victory sign is a must

I think I saw Spiderman

My turn to climb the wall!
This was my absolute first time, and as the station was closing I had no time to ponder, or pray since I recently broke my arms. I quickly scaled up the wall after this shot.

It was quite easy at first – maybe cos’ I chose the kids wall haha. Halfway up, I stole a peek downwards and momentarily got jelly feet. After that I was plastered to the wall like a moth for a good 3 minutes, deliberating whether to carry on or give up as I got lazy and found lesser grips as I went higher. And my poor nails!

I made it to the top! Not forgetting the victory sign

“Aunty, can you come down already? We want to go home.”
Now you know why I made it to the top. I had 4 men including Darren screaming “Come on! You can do it!” below. It would be so embarrassing to give up. So I gritted my teeth and carried on. And broke two nails haha. I didn’t dare to tell Darren cos’ he will definitely slap me for being such a princess. But I am glad I did it!

In addition to rock climbing, the Adventure Sports Centre houses 2 sets of obstacle courses. They look fun but the queue was so long we didn’t want to wait.

The Cargo Net Bridge looks fun

A ‘Singing Rock’ harness – how cute!

Kudos to this lady on the Elvis Walk
She was screaming all the way “My hands are very tired! I cannot anymore!” until everyone got worried she would fall. She made it across in the end, and I am proud of her! Wish I had a chance to try it…maybe next time

Someone obviously enjoyed himself :)

I wished we had brought along our swimming gear, cos’ the sunny weather was simply awesome for a cool dip in this gorgeous pool

We had a fun and healthy day out!
It’s nice to have something healthy to do other that stuffing our faces silly with food. If we carry on with this, I have no doubt we will gorgeously svelte creatures in no time heh :D