Day 8: Cookie Gifting Ideas

By Nfldratheart @nfldratheart
Ok so day 8 is a little late! I participated in my first craft sale on Saturday, and I was a little wiped out so I took the weekend to revive myself! But I have a few gift ideas for all those cookies your have been baking like crazy!
You can of course bake lots of cookies and make a cookie plate. If you plan on giving the plate I'd recommend a quick trip to your local Sally Ann, to find an inexpensive one off plate that would make the perfect setting to your cookies! Tins also work extremely well, and you can find them at the dollar store for... $1! Or if you're feeling crafty you can try this little trick, which I have posted before:
  Up-cycled Christmas Cards! You can find the tutorial here if you'd like to know exactly how to make these sweet little boxes.
Or, if you feel that baking all those cookies yourself might be a little too much, then try gifting one of these cute little jars of almost baked goods. I say almost because the recipient will have to add a couple ingredients, and mix, spoon and bake themselves. But there sure is something about layers in a glass jar that would please just about anyone :)

sources here and here

For lots of delicious jar cookie recipes check out this page. I'm sure you can find something for everyone on your list!
There's a few ideas to get you started! And don't forget, you can still link-up any cookie recipes if you'd like to share some cookie love :)
Stay tuned, tomorrow we start the squares portion of the countdown!
Happy Baking xox