Day 6: Allez Les Blancs!

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

Allez les Blancs!, or so went the retort from this (very Edinburgh) crowd at Murrayfield every time Les Bleus started up.

No, I’ve not tip-toed over the line into insanity, I was at the rugby. There have been several posts that have been shortened/not written on time of late for which I’ve blamed the rugby, but I’m enjoying watching this year’s Six Nations somewhere other than the University library (where cheering/screaming at the tv is somewhat discouraged) and most things have been taking a back seat for it. Today, however, was even more fun – I was there (and have still written this on time… ahem…).

Living just over the hill from Murrayfield – the home of the Scottish Rugby Union – I’ve been going to the rugby with my dad or friends since I was fairly small and I absolutely love it (and have rambled about it several times). Yesterday’s match was Scotland Vs France, which happens to be one of my favourite matches. Unlike certain other Six Nations matches the atmosphere is a lot more relaxed, there’s not the intensity of other matches (namely the Calcutta Cup between Scotland and England). Don’t get me wrong, we’re there to win – sadly not on this occasion – but people are there for a good game, not a brawl.

Whilst the score line was not what we wanted, I don’t think it would be a stretch to say we played quite well. For starters we scored two tries! However, my main gripe about the match (and not just because we lost, I’m sure a sporting Frenchman would probably agree) is that the referee was more than just a little awful. It is not often that chants of ‘The referee’s a w*nk*er’ resonate around Murrayfield, but for Wayne Barnes that is putting it lightly. Anyway, I’m sure at least his mother still loves him. Possibly. All in all it was a great match to watch and, the two rather good tries aside, man of the match for me comes from the guy behind me in the crowd who, when David Denton displayed a moment of stupidity, shouted the following at the top of his voice: “Denton! Denton! Oh Jesus Chirst! Denton!” If you’re staring blancly [EDIT: entirely unintentional typo, but I think I'll let it slip on this occasion] at your screen perhaps this video will help.
