Day 51 - If Weeds Can Grow, So Can Potatoes.

Posted on the 11 March 2021 by Ourallotment @OurAllotment

Today the weather has been less than favourable. Windy, rainy, turbulent conditions, then a sudden calm. It was during this calm today that we planted our first early potatoes. They were Maris Bard and Swift, now I say we planted them, it was my choice as our lass has been saying to hold on, but the chitting room was not as cold as I thought it would be and my worry now is that they were starting to wither. I separated the chitted from the non chitted as we got two bags of each variety and I was going to see how they compared (chitted to the right non chitted to the left of each divided bed), but the potatoes stored in the dark cooler garage grew white spaghetti type tubers, so I thought the ground was the best place for them. As stated in the header, "If weeds can grow, so can potatoes" and the weeds seem to be starting to push their way back out of the soil again, so why not the potatoes. The first earlies should be ready in 60 days, then we will see if it worked out alright.

We did happen to have a few spare of each variety of potatoes, so I put the spare into buckets and will grow them in the green house, this again as with many things was not planned, it was barely a thought. But it might be a serendipitous action as it may well be the only first early potatoes we may get if the others fail due to my haste.

The Wooden markers (headstones) for the potatoes have been put at the fence side to save us falling or tripping on them, not the best photograph as this was a rare moment of sunshine so was taken quickly

Not quite chicken in a basket but potatoes in a bucket, this could be the whole of the first earlies harvest if it all goes horribly wrong, always best to have a back up, and nets which the potatoes came in tied to the handle so I can identify the survivors.