Day 5: Silhouette

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

From my old office you could see little glimpses of stunning, imposing architecture that Edinburgh is famous for. Be it the Castle, the spires of the Cathedrals in the city, the dome of West Register House or the ragged outline of Arthur’s Seat, they stand out against the hazy morning mist as the sun is coming up. But they are all in the distance. One piece of history was right on our doorstep – Fettes College. Set back in its many acres of lawns and playing fields this elite educational institute has been around for centuries, its gothic central spire being silhouetted against the morning sun, and then in silhouette again as the sun sets. It was one of the things that often made me smile on my way to work through the cold, dark winter mornings (often the only thing before I realised it was home time).

Sadly, due to the wire fence at the back of the playing fields (don’t worry, I made sure there were no kids about first, this is a school after all) it is virtually impossible to get a photo of it at sunrise. So sunset will just have to do instead. 

Now, I’m off to go find my thermals for going to the rugby at Murrayfield this afternoon (I’d put in a Go Blue! or Go White! in here, but I’m not sure which strip we’re using and since we’re playing France if I get it wrong it would be a little awkward). Go Scotland!
