Day 3 of Ramadhan 1434 Today is Friday, the 3rd of Ramadh...

By Kaye

Day 3 of Ramadhan 1434

Today is Friday, the 3rd of Ramadhan 1434. It’s scorching summer here in Saudi Arabia. Our aircon almost succumbed to heat and the thermostat is acting up. It’s like getting on the treadmill and losing pounds off the scale as drops of sweat take turns. Well, it will be a free workout regimen without doing much efforts. Gulping liters of water in rocks of ice cubes is a big help to ease the thirst after a 16-hour fasting. Yeah! Almost 16-hours. Fajr time is around 3:40 a.m and Maghrib is around 6:42 p.m. In our case, we take our suhoor at least 30 minutes before the Fajr prayer which makes it almost 16-hour of fasting. Alhamdulillah.

Iftar Meals To The Rescue

Since Ramadhan happens to be in summer, Iftar meals would consist of ice-cold drinks to quench the thirst. Some would prefer fruit juices, plain ice cold water and back home, I would prefer young coconut juice with its meat or what is popularly known as buko juice among locales. Recently, we had this craze about green smoothies consist of fresh fruits and veggies and so we had to include it in our Iftar menu. It is a healthy craving and a fresh cold drink that would pacify a screaming dry throat. Me and hubby would break our fast with odd number of dates which is sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It would be followed by chicken oatmeal soup to warm our gut.

Trying Hard To Bake This Ramadhan

I am trying my baking skills again and hopefully I could make decent cakes and sweet treats for Iftar. I have tried to make pancakes and I was happy it turned out edible with minor burnt fractions and that inspire me to try other recipes. Today, I made this chiffon cake which turn out to be okay. Yeah! At least in my taste buds 😀. What about you? How do you spend your iftar? How many hours do you fast in your country? We would love to hear your stories by leaving your comments below.