Day 28 of 31: Keeping It Simple on Sunday - Getting Down to the Wire

By Jenny Mac Rogers @jennymac1207

Well, folks, I'm getting close to the end of this 31 days challenge with The Nester. As I've mentioned (here and here) that I am hosting a link up on the topic of "human care" on October 31. (Technically, since this challenge actually started for me on the evening of Sept. 30, that means my 31st post will hit on October 30. The linkup will follow the next day.)
Yes, I know this is ambitious, but I think the rewards could be significant. What if you're doing something great in your community, church, or town that could really be of use to me where I live? What if my community is facing an issue that yours has already dealt with and has the answer to? What if my Sunday School class is planning a mission trip to an orphanage in Haiti and we need to know how best to prepare to do the most good during our time there and how to make an impact that will last long after we return home? (If that one sounded awfully specific, it's because it's not a hypothetical, so if anyone has any insights on that, this would be a great place to chime in.)
You may be thinking you don't have anything to add to the conversation, but I would bet that you are wrong. If you've ever done anything or had an idea about how to help your fellow man, even in what seems like an insignificant way, then you have experience with human care. (If you don't have a blog, just add your comments to the linkup post.) So bring it on October 31.
Also, please help spread the word. And, by the way, fellow bloggers, here's a button you can grab if you just really want to. That would be great. :)
<div align="center"><br /><a href="" title="Human Care Linkup"><img src="" alt="Human Care Linkup" style="border:none;" /></a></div><br />