Davis To Return To Work - Will She Continue Her Bigotry?

Posted on the 13 September 2015 by Jobsanger
(This cartoon image is by Kevin Siers in the Charlotte Observer.)
County Clerk Kim Davis is out of jail, and will return to work on Monday. The question on everyone's mind is what will she do when she gets back to work. Will she stay out of the way and let her clerks do their jobs -- obeying the law and issuing marriage licenses to all (including same-sex couples)? Or will she try to stop the issuance of those licenses again? At least one of the clerks has said he would disobey her and issue same-sex marriage licenses. Will she try to fire him?
The judge was very clear when he released her last week -- she must allow the licenses to be issued. But when she was released, there was a crowd (including a couple of presidential candidates) who treated her like some kind of hero for breaking the law. Will this convince her to continue to break the law?
She needs to understand that it isn't just the judge that is getting tired of her booted antics. That crowd that cheered her represents only a small minority of Americans. Most people think she should issue the licenses, and supported the judge when he jailed her (see charts below) -- and they'll support him throwing her back in jail if she continues to ignore the law.
The charts below represent the results of a recent YouGov Poll -- done between September 4th and 7th of a random sample of 1,000 nationwide adults, and has a margin of error of 3.9 points. Note that a significant majority of all groups oppose the illegal bigotry of Kim Davis.