Dating an Indian Man

Posted on the 13 June 2017 by Calvinthedog

From the comments, one British woman’s experience in dating a wealthy Indian man. Her experience seems to be quite typical. Lousy cultures produce lousy people who then produce lousy cultures that produce more lousy people. Ok we are chasing our tails here, but the point stands. These Indian men really are some of the lousiest men on Earth, sad to say. It is possible to be a decent Indian man, but I would think that first of all, you would have to reject a lot of Indian culture. I don’t see how you can stay in Indian culture and be a decent person. The culture’s poisonous and everyone in it gets tainted whether they want to or not. It’s like a law of nature. You throw some good food into a pot of spoiled food, stir, set it aside, and now what? The good food’s rotten too.

To be fair though, I doubt if the American rich are any better than this. She could have been describing anyone from the Kushner or Trump families. The rich are pretty much crap everywhere on Earth. Once again, it’s a law of nature. It’s pretty hard to make a bundle without turning into some sort of criminal, either a “legal criminal” like Trump or an illegal criminal like Millken and the rest. If you want to make a pile, you’re going to have to get your hands dirty. Real dirty.

I dated a Indian man. I’m a woman from the UK. He was indeed a pig, and thought he was royalty. He told me one of his parents would sleep in the same room with him every night until he was 15/16… That his father had cheated on his mother (why would you tell your son that?). We went on a trip together in his car, I didn’t like how fast he was going 140 mph! But he wouldn’t listen, instead he said to me.

“It’s a beautiful day to die”.

Recently he laughed at me for being “poor”. He would laugh at people poorer than him and he would lie about how much money he had and the things he owned.

It was the worst experience I have had dating wise physically and psychologically although I had a strong mother figure, so he could not put me down as easily, which infuriated him. He was sexually violent on one occasion. He got arrested for drink driving in Birmingham, so his company sent him back to India and made him Director there. They should have fired him, but he is friends with the founder’s son.

He told me him and the founder’s son were on a nature reserve somewhere, drunk and hungry so they killed a piglet and ate it. I’m not sure if this is true, but it wouldn’t surprise me, as I have met his friend, and although he was not Indian, he was a entitled little prick (He stuck his genitals in my face and kept talking about how great it was). I told him if he ever did that to me again he wouldn’t have one anymore.

Apparently this friend also drove his car into someone and killed them but paid them €50,000 to keep quiet. Who knows if this is true…I learnt a big lesson last year: if that is what it means to have money, I don’t want to be anywhere near it. That’s the elite, people, the 1%. I still don’t believe they are all that way because I am better than that.