Dates Payasam Recipe - Easy Payasam Recipes

By Ramya21

dates payasam recipes - gokulashtami recipes

dates payasam is the simple payasam and there you did not need sugar or ghee as usual payasam needs.The sugar content in dates itself is enough for this payasam and no need to roast the chopped nuts in ghee.Just chop it and add it to the payasam.This tastes more delicious then roasting it in ghee.

This month is more special to me as the festival season starts from this month,birthdays and anniversary and lot more in this stay tuned for more recipes this month as we have krishna jayanthi and Ganesh chaturthi in a row and from then loads of festivals to come up.I always expect this month to come and the days moves fast once the Ganesh chaturthi is over because of festivals.After marriage,i really missing those days and now counting days for travelling to native.

this is an updated post which want to update with new pictures and more detailed recipe.

It was really hard to take snaps with white background as the colour of the payasam is little fade as i did not puree the dates in the recipe.I saw this recipe in many blogs but all says to grind it after cooking in small amount of water or milk.So i added black raisins which is so sweet in taste to give a contrast garnish to the recipe.lets move on making the recipe.,

dates payasam recipe

pudding recipe made with dates and whole milk


  • dates(unseeded) - 1/2 cup , finely chopped
  • whole milk - 250 ml
  • chopped nuts(cashews,almonds and pistachios)- as needed
  • cardamom powder - 1/8 teaspoon
  • saffron strands(optional)
  1. Boil the milk and keep it aside.Take 100 ml milk from it to that add 200 ml boiling water.
  2. Now add the finely chopped dates to the milk water mixture.Bring it to boil in heavy bottomed sauce pan or in nonstick pan.
  3. Proceed the recipe in medium flame and keep on stirring.After 10 minutes the dates get cooked well and mash it with your spatula.Now it will like a paste but you can able to see some chunks too.
  4. Now add remaining milk,saffron strands to it and boil it in low flame for another 2 minutes.
  5. Finally add chopped nuts and boil for a minute or two and then switch off the flame.
  6. Serve hot or chill.