I thought of these bars once when I was out in the wholesale market and looked for something to nibble on which was not loaded with those little devils called calories!! I couldnt find anything beyond potato chips and such like oily unhealthy snacks!
Date Bars
6 T Oats
1/4 C Dates
1T Sesame Seeds- both black and white
1T Sunflower seeds
1T Melon seeds
Ground oats into powder.
Pulse dates into puree.
Roast all the seeds.
Mix all the ingredients and make into a ball..If the ingredients dont come togther add some more dates.Roll onto a flat surface.Cut them in bite size pieces and bake for 15-20 mins at 180 C in a pre- heated oven.
Options- You can add any combination of fruits and nuts like almonds, walnuts, raisins,dried apricots etc.