Dark Chocolate Mint Soap (2 Ways) DIY.

By Nonibaumann

I´m totally not done with my soap experimentsand also not done sharing some ideas here...
and because these little things make some pretty gifts,
why not give it a try again ?

So what about a Christmas variation withmint and chocolate ?
(thinking about it... actually I could have this all year:)... 

You`ll need (for around 8 small soaps):
250g glycerin soap1 tablespoon of natural cocoaa hand full of mint leaves(plus maybe 2 drops mint essential oil)
and some pretty silicone molds.(cupcake molds)

How to:
VERSION 1 (first picture)
Heat 250 g of soap slowly in one pot.Do not cook.Add the riped ( for better flavor) mint leaves,and 2 drops of essential peppermint oil and a
tablespoon of cocoa to the soap, stir thoroughly and fill in the molds afterwards.
 let it rest and get solid.

VERSION 2 ( layered)
Heat 125 g of soap slowly each in one pot.
One after another. Do not cook:
First start with adding the riped mint leavesand 2 drops of essential peppermint oil  to the mix,fill it in the molds afterwards.
Let it rest and get solid for around half an hour.
 Proceed with the other mixture. Add one tablespoon of cocoa to themix and fill it slowly in the already filledmolds afterwards.
That`s all, have fun everyone ...

Happy gifting or bathing :)!