Dans Le Jardin

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

We had some absolutely gorgeous Spring weather this weekend. I wasn't able to get out into the garden as much as I would have liked, as I was doing some Hardcore Prep for our trip. We leave next Saturday, with a very full work week in between, so in order to avoid last minute scrambling I helped le monsieur put together his travel wardrobe* (and packed most of it), and made sure that everything I might want to take is clean and in good order. I'll be making my final selections toward the end of the week, and will post my travel capsule Polyvore On The Floor on Friday.

Orange blossoms...fragrance is heavenly!!

I love that hint of pink on these Iceberg roses

Sandal weather! OPI "You Don't Know Jacques" on toes

*For the sake of marital harmony and my own sanity, I've learned to give le monsieur a list and then pack his selections for him. Saves us both a boatload of anxiety. 
How was your weekend?  Has Spring arrived in your neighborhood? ~ All original content property of http://www.unefemme.net This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.