First, a quick note about the bottom of the egg. I just crumpled cloth for a rough effect. I think it looks great (although it wouldn't be too comfortable for a mother dragon to push that out)(of course having scales on the eggs would be no fun either). As I mentioned earlier, I'm making two hatched dragons. One will be standing, the other just emerging from his egg. They are similar so I'll bounce between one and the other. On the right I've made one of the little bodies by taping together two small paper mache balls. I attached a shell rolled up for the neck, then I added the upper and lower jaws. Beside the body, you see the makings of a tail and legs. No paper mache for those. I just twisted newspaper around pieces of wire clothes hangers and wrapped with masking tape.
I used bird eyes. They had to be small. I like the way they turned out. These teeth are probably too big. But they will have to do. They would just break if I tried to make them smaller. Here is one of the little legs after I added some details. Again, I just crumpled small pieces of paper and used masking tape to fashion calves and toes.
Here is the little guy with his legs on. Looks a bit like a frog from the waist down. I added the tail and checked to see how he would fit in his egg.
Time for wings. I make the "fingers" the same way I make the legs by twisting paper around wire. Then I tape them all together.
As always, I drape wet cloth over the fingers. After the wings dry overnight, I trim them with scissors.
I draped the wings of the little guy in the egg before I put them on the body. As you can see I rolled them up so that they look as though they are unfurling as he gets ready to leave his egg.
I added cloth mache to the faces. Then I promptly changed my mind about the shape of the head. I added a bridge between the forehead and the nose. I wanted the face to be more round. Such a change is kind of silly I suppose. It's just a matter of taste.
That's it for now. More later.
(PS. For those of you who are watching the TV series, I hope you loved the scene where Drogon, as a young juvenile, took care of the slave owner.)(PSS. Yes, I'm also making juvenile Drogon. I want him.)(But mine won't shoot fire. Damn. )