DanCool What The…?!: If I Could Turn Back Time…Waaay Back. Warp Speed Through 25 Hard Years In 60 Seconds. The Lindsay Lohan Face Morph Video.

By Danthatscool @DanScontras

Poor Lindsay Lohan.

Bitch can’t catch a break.

LaLindz just finished up her hosting gig on Saturday Night Live, made it through the entire show without falling down or blacking out, and actually got a few stray thumbs up from the critics.

She also recently scored an announced guest spot on an upcoming episode or two of Glee, which is a pretty big dealio in that it could potentially recover a few of those teeny bop votes that she lost back when she was passing time face down on the Mean Streets of LA.

She even officially…finally…got off that pesky formal probation for whatever it was that she got caught doing last time.  I forget.  I can barely keep track of all her poor courtroom runway fashion choices, much less why she is actually there.

If I’m not mistaken, I believe that is why they hire judges in the first place, thank you.

So right when it looks like there might be a glimmer of hope for a resurgence of what’s left of Lindsay’s career and street cred…someone like me comes along.

I give you the Lindsay Lohan Face Morph Video.

Don’t try this at home, kids.

Stay off drugs.  Finish your homework.  Floss.

And do something with that hair.  Please.

Yikes.  Do not look directly at your screen or you’ll burn your corneas.