Dancing the Night Away: an Oulton Hall Yorkshire Wedding

By Claire

Pho­tog­ra­phy is by Sheffield wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher, the lovely Mark Tier­ney. He cap­tures such fan­tas­tic images — in this case, from the bride and groom get­ting ready right through the cer­e­mony to the first dance and beyond.

Watch out for my favorite pic­tures: lac­ing the wed­ding gown and, in another room, the groom’s waist­coat. A lovely take on the tra­di­tional ‘bridal prep’ pho­tos! Smile with me at Marge Simp­son; sigh at the cute lit­tle flower girl watch­ing Basia and Scott danc­ing; grin to see Grand­dad hav­ing a great time — he’s a bril­liant dancer and almost steals the show!

But most of all it’s the lovely cou­ple who make this fea­ture so per­fect for Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. Basia’s stun­ning Ben­jamin Roberts wed­ding dress; Scott’s classy, slim fit­ting, con­tem­po­rary suit; and the love in their eyes. It’s all so beau­ti­ful…

The bride and groom: Basia & Scott Pemberton

Who pro­posed, and how? Scott on Christ­mas Day

Wed­ding venue: Oul­ton Hall, Leeds (http://www.devere-hotels.co.uk/hotel-lodges/locations/oulton-hall.html)

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Mark Tier­ney (http://www.tierneyphotography.co.uk/)

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Tra­di­tional /Classic

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil? Civil

The wed­ding reception:

What were your wed­ding high­lights? Speeches, Pol­ish vodka toasts

Wed­ding venue styling and details: Love-in-a-mist (http://love-ina-mist.co.uk/)

Wed­ding music and enter­tain­ment: Sim­ply Strings (http://www.simplystringstrio.co.uk/), DJ – our friends

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

Being declared hus­band and wife, granddad’s shock­ing moves on the dance floor.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Cake – Hunky Dory Cakes (http://www.hunkydorycakes.co.uk/)
  • Wed­ding sta­tionery – Jamie Wal­man at Bump Creative
  • Wed­ding Pho­tog­ra­phy — Tier­ney Photography

See the full blog post of Basia and Scott’s wed­ding on Mark Tierney’s blog. As is so often the case, Mark has shared dozens more gor­geous images than I could fit on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. They are def­i­nitely worth going to see — Basia and Scott’s Oul­ton Hall Wed­ding