Dance of the Snake Charmer

Posted on the 04 April 2016 by Adask


“Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor, is viewed by most Germans as the person primarily responsible for killing their heritage, culture, and people– by knowingly importing non-refugee “refugees” (able-bodied young Muslim men, not women and children) – who are wreaking havoc everywhere.

“Merkel is like the “the snake charmer” who is as venomous as the snakes she’s brought into Germany who are finishing the job Hitler started.”

“The lyrics to the 1968 song, “The Snake,” sung by Al Wilson, best describes Germany’s self-destruction.

“The lyrics tell a story inspired by Aesop’s Fable of The Farmer and the Viper:

What we’re seeing in Germany, and other European countries, is the result of people who value their economy more than their nation.  Thinking they could make a fast buck by importing cheap labor from the Middle East, EU nations have risked losing their national culture and identity.  If the Muslim immigrants are allowed to stay, soon a number of EU countries will cease to be “European” and the native European people will become minorities in their own countries subject to the violence and predation of  the “religion of peace”.

Those who believe that they can invite Muslims into their country and we’ll all soon be singing Kumbayah are stupid, suicidal and/or treasonous.  See, these Muslims are serious about their faith.  Those without a strong alternative faith will be helpless to stop a Muslim invasion and takeover.  Your belief in economics is no match for the Muslim’s faith in Allah.

The Muslims carry their culture with them and have no intention of “assimilating”.  Their only intent is to invade and, ultimately, dominate their host countries.  Muslim immigrants may “play nice” for a while, but if/when they become a political majority, their religion compels them to impose their will and their faith on non-Muslim minorities.  They have no tolerance for freedom of religion for any religion other than their own.

The idiot Europeans have nearly destroyed Europe.  Don’t repeat their mistake.

For the moment, Donald Trump may be the only politician who understands and seeks to resist the Muslim threat.  I’m not saying that as a Trump supporter.  I’m saying it as an observation of how damnably “odd” it is that we can’t seem to find any other American politicians willing to protect this nation.  As bombastic as Trump may be, he seems to be the only candidate for President who is aware of and opposed to the concept of treason.