Dance and Performances an Integral Part of Hindu Functions---Why?

By Atulsharmasharma
All of us have seen dancers performing at the hindu marriage and festival celebrations. We have never tried to find out the real reason behind these rituals. You will be amazed to know the real significance of all these dance performances which was told to me by my Granny.Nowadays we pay in lakhs to the Bollywood stars to perform on sleazy numbers in our celebrations. For some it may be good and for some bad, anyway I do not want to comment on this issue so coming back to my main point. The real reason behind it was:
It was believed that Hindu Gods and Goddesses especially the Gandharvas used to descent from heaven to watch the performance of the humans. They used to bless the performers and the people.Earlier it was mandatory for many Hindu communities to invite traditional dance performers, singers, musicians, artists and story tellers to perform at marriages, festivals and during auspicious occasions. It was believed that the  family who invites the performers will be blessed by Gandharvas - artistic performers of heaven.
So in the past there was a great trend of inviting dancers to all kinds of functions who were meagrely paid in those times when compared to  the dancers of our times.