Dan and Drum Brings GrowlPop to New Track ‘Lester’ [Stream]

Posted on the 14 July 2016 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Some may think there’s only one form a song can take: first, a borderline poetic verse, then an easy to listen to chorus, maybe a catchy hook, then another verse and finally a bridge that shouts “self-reflection.” Dan and Drum, out of Thousand Oaks, California, though, just proved that sentiment wrong with “Lester.” Dan, of Dan and Drum, does an impressive job of telling a story — each verse of the song is different and no line is repeated. The track itself is a sexy, guitar-driven take on R&B. It tells the familiar story of romance that comes with the thought of bodies in love touching, or almost touching, one another.

Dan describes the band’s new track as, “jangled acoustics on an 808 thump, where ghost-wind vocals usher in trap-hat grooves. I call it GrowlPop, I call it SufferFunk.” Dan lets his voice hop from one verse to the next with rhythm and confidence while he does his thing on guitar. His voice slides up and down seamlessly through each verse, and it never stays on one note for too long, always making sure you’re listening. The love making that Dan sings about is so addictive that he compares his love interest to heroine that he’ll want again come daybreak — just the way you’ll want to stream this song: again and again and again.