Damnit, I Wish I Was Going To BlogHer '13 - Advice For Newbies

By Guerrillamom @mariaguido
I'm officially bummed that I am not going to BlogHer '13.

Me and Margaret Cho at Blogher '12. We're wearing the same lipstick.

I've been reminded that I will be missing out this week by countless posts of bloggers who are nervous/excited about going. Seeing as last year was the first BlogHer I ever attended and I had a FANTASTIC time, I thought I would give those of you who may be nervous about attending the biggest blogging conference in the history of ever some advice.
1. Skip All The Free Stuff
If this is your first year at Blogher, you are probably not invited to any of the swag parties where you actually get good swag. No big. I wasn't either and I lived. There is a giant room with tables upon tables of free stuff. Most of it is crap that you probably won't feel like carrying around.  Last year there were vibrators. I got three different ones and skipped the rest of the stuff in the swag hall. The swag hall is overwhelming and unless you are a blogger that wants to partner with brands, it's just kind of meh.
2. Get Your Face Out Of Your Phone
I can't even tell you how many people I saw sitting on the floor with their faces buried in their computers. That is not conducive to meeting people. Need to take notes for a blog post? Punch some key words into your iPhone and revisit them later. For the love of God and everything holy, put your iPhone away for 5 minutes and make eye contact.
3. Crash Something
Is there an event happening at a bar that you weren't invited to? Crash it. What's the worst thing that can happen? I am a career bartender and a professional when it comes to acting like I belong places where I don't. There was an awesome Harley Davidson party I crashed last year. I just went on Twitter and saw where the women I wanted to hang out with would be. They were going to be at that party, so I went too. There's a famous line from a Tribe Called Quest song that I recite in my head when I do things like this - "Act like you know." Yup. It works. By the way - that party was awesome. I met Margaret Cho and danced with Jenn Pozer and the Evil Slut Clique. Good times.
4. Go To Some Parties
Go to Queerosphere. Deb Rox is awesome. That is the party where I met the most people and they were FUN. Sparklecorn was stupid but it looks like that's not happening anymore anyway. It was just a bunch of people guarding this ridiculous cake and it had the worst DJ on the planet. I didn't tie one on because I had to take a subway back to Brookln at the end of the night - but if I was staying in the hotel I would have GOTTEN MY PARTY ON and you should, too. Don't throw up or act like an asshole or anything but have some fun!
5. Don't Miss The Workshops
The workshops are the best and most informative part of Blogher. Choose wisely and get there early. I'm serious.  Bring a ton of business cards and give them out to everyone you meet.
6. Twitter Stalking
Twitter stalking is awesome. It's a way for you to keep track of the people you want to meet. I know it sounds a little creepy, but only if you are creepy. I am generally a person that people like and I don't freak people out. If you freak people out, don't do this.
Have fun. I'm jealous.