Damned Good Show, Draghi, Old Chap!

By Davidduff

The Telegraph has a report on the incident yesterday in which a rather hot totty, believed to be German, leapt up on the table in front of Mario Draghi, the chief honcho of the European Central Bank, and showered him in coloured paper.

Don't ask me what she was protesting about, no doubt, like you, I could run off a list at of least two dozen moans and groans favoured by the dottier extremes of the Left without thinking too hard about it.  However, what I do want to draw to your attention is Mr. Draghi's remarkable sangue freddo, or, sang froid as the Frogs put it, or, like, you know, dead cool, as our dear young grunts and gruntettes would put it today.

Anyway, in an age of all too genuine and murderous attacks by vicious lunatics I do think Mr. Draghi behaved with exemplary calm and courage.  Had I been the object of such an attack I would instantly have retired, with a speed surprising in a gentleman of my advanced years, straight under the table.  Whether I would have reached my position of safety before or after wetting my pants is unknowable!

Anyway, well done, Mr. Draghi!