According to the announcement, dairy sufganiyot must be marked with a clear and obvious symbol, sticking a small blue flag in the donut with the word "chalavi", dairy, on the flag. Looks almost zionistic to me, but blue is the color commonly used for marking dairy.
They warn the public to look out for the markers so as not to stumble in confusing dairy and pareve sufganiyot. They dont even mention the option of meaty sufganiyot!
I would note that this seemingly only applies to places under the Eida hechsher, so if you go to Roladin or Kadosh or one of the many other places that will be selling fancy sufganiyot, you probably wont see these flags.
And I would even guess tahat Eida hechsher places will also not put a little flag in every dairy sufganiya. It seems similar to the law about marking the price on every product in the store - there is no shortage of stores that just dont bother. They will probably mostly make do with just a sign of some sort.
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