Daimo Noodle Express: $6 Late Lunches!

By Foodobyte @foodobyte

Undoubtedly, waking up at 2pm makes life complicated.  With the clock hands twiddling in the upper right-hand corner, it’s difficult to decide on what to eat when you’ve managed to escape hibernation.  On one hand, you’re absolutely starving… on the other, you don’t want to stuff yourself to the extent where you ruin your appetite for the following meal!  What to do…?

Luckily, hippoCHAN knew of a restaurant that had late lunch special for us slow stragglers:  Daimo Noodle Express!  From 2:30pm to 5:30pm, they offer a $5.99 mini set menu that features congee and noodle meals with an accompanying drink or Chinese donut.

Yawn, yawn, yawn!  No matter how much I sleep, the inner panda in my prevails.  In hopes of giving my brain a jumpstart jolt, I ordered the Hot Milk Tea, which turned out to be more like a AAA battery because it was quite weak in flavour.

Next up, we got the Beef Brisket Noodles!  The broth was clean and there was an abundance of noodles – typical things you’d expect from a classic dish like this.  However, while this wasn’t that big of a deal, it’s worth noting that the beef brisket was too soft.  It sadly lost its bouncy, chewy texture that makes up its reputation.

Since there were two gastrointestinal systems at the table, we decided to order two mini sets; the other being a Minced Beef Congee.

And who could forget congee’s greatest and closest companion?… The Chinese Donut!  No, no – this isn’t a Made-in-China Krispy Kreme.  Rather, it’s a savoury, deep-fried stick of dough that is crunchy on the outside whilst fluffy internally.

Like Batman and Robin, they go hand-in-hand!  Deeeeeelicious :)  Although, like a lot of Chinese restaurants, the beef is tenderized beyond recognition, in that it’s super bouncy!  Oh well, I wouldn’t have it any other way since it provides some textural contrast.

Final Bytes
1.  Lots of seating!
2.  Mini Set menu only spans from 2:30pm to 5:30pm!
3.  Really limited parking :(

Foodobyte’s Rating