DAILY PHOTO: Tea for Market

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

Taken on May 24, 2015 at the Glenloch tea factory in Katukithula, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is loaded with tea factories that can be visited for free [except what you may spend at the factory’s gift shop or restaurant.] If you’re interesting in how your food and beverages get to look like they do, these are nice places to see how this:

gets turned into this:
Most of the tea that is produced on the Glenloch tea factory isn’t sold under the Glenloch brand. Instead, about 75% gets sent to Colombo, where it is auctioned off on a market to the highest bidder. That’s when it comes to be the tea you recognize from brands on your local shelf, e.g. Lipton. The bags above are the product that will be shipped to market.

By B Gourley in Beverages, photographs, Photos, pictures, Sri Lanka, Tourism, travel on May 30, 2015.