DAILY PHOTO: Headstone Sales in a Tallinn Market

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

Taken in the summer of 2011

I can’t recall anywhere besides Estonia that I’ve seen headstones for sale in a run-of-the-mill market. It was a market with green grocers, florists, hardware vendors, sellers of trinkets, and headstone engravers. This raised many questions for me. Who buys the headstone? Does one buy one’s own? If so, isn’t there a risk of narcissism in the engraved epitaph? If someone else buys it, is it something one would buy for a loved one or a mortal enemy? I can see it going either way. If it’s for a loved one, one probably has it made after that person’s death, but if it’s for an enemy, one gets it made and delivered beforehand–perhaps directly onto the unassuming melon of said enemy.

Anyone who understands the Tallinn headstone market, feel free to enlighten me.

Tags: dark humor, Estonia, headstone, headstones, photographs, photos, pictures, Tallinn, tourism, travel

By B Gourley in Estonia, humor, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on June 3, 2013.