Taken on September 16, 2013.
Some claim Bangalore Palace is modeled off of Windsor Castle, but the official line is that any resemblance is purely coincidental. I don’t think cars are normally allowed to park here, but it was rented out for a wedding– which my wife and I kinda / sorta crashed. I’m not sure if the wedding was over, or if they were in the intermission stage. (I’m told that the only thing longer and more mind-numbing than a Catholic wedding is an Indian wedding. Having experience attending the former, I can only imagine the latter.)
While impressive from the outside, the palace is not a very highly rated attraction. In part this may be because it’s quite expensive by Indian standards (when you’re not crashing a wedding.) In part it this may be because the outlying grounds are not particularly attractive. I can’t well speak to the innards of the castle.
Supposedly, construction was begun in 1862 and was not fully completed until 1944. I’m sure the US Civil War to World War II time-frame is purely coincidental. It was built by the Principal of Central High School, Reverend Garrett, and once owned by the Maharaja of Mysore.
Tags: Bangalore, Bangalore Palace, India, Maharaja of Mysore, photographs, photos, pictures, Reverend Garrett, tourism, travel, wedding, wedding crashing
By B Gourley in Blogs on September 16, 2013.