DAILY PHOTO: A Bad Place to Be a Guinea Pig

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

Taken in Arequipa, Peru in July of 2010

If you think this guy is eyeballing the camera suspiciously, it may be because it’s a resident of the Peruvian Andes. If you don’t know what I mean, check out this article from the National Geographic (particularly item #2.)

Anywhere else and he’d be someone’s fluffy little pet… or I guess a lab test animal–given the colloquial meaning of “Guinea Pig.” (So, maybe things could be worse than to be a Guinea Pig in Arequipa. One could be a Guinea Pig in the lab’s at Pfizer.)

By B Gourley in Animals, Peru, Pets, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on November 18, 2015.