Daily Headline – 26/04/13

Posted on the 26 April 2013 by Aca The Underground

UK local elections 2nd May 2013

The predictions are CON 29, LAB 38, LD 16, UKIP 11 and Others 6 according to Michael Thrasher and Colin Rallings. However the latest national polls are CON 32%, LAB 40%, LDEM 11%, UKIP 12% and Others 5% according to YouGov.

Currently the local political landscape is a Tory wet dream with them controlling 30 out of 34 councils, 1 being held by the Lib Dems and 3 with no overall control (NOC) at the last elections held on the 4th June 2009.

Whatever happens on Thursday right-wingers will be happy with UKIP on the rise and the Conservatives remaining (at a local level) in first place, albeit with a reduced amount of councils and councillors.

Do not forget that the left is standing in various forms, from Green Socialism to regular Socialism to Communism!
Don’t let the rich dictate the lives of the working class!