Daily Headline – 10/04/13

Posted on the 10 April 2013 by Aca The Underground

Greens On Thatcher’s death…

Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, said:

“As Britain’s first female Prime Minister and a true icon in that respect, it came as a great disappointment that Margaret Thatcher did so little for women – inside or outside Parliament – whilst also pursuing a political agenda which sought to marginalise the poor, undermine the very notion of ‘society’ and attack the fundamental principles of the welfare state.

“Whatever you think of her policies, Margaret Thatcher clearly made a massive and lasting impact on the political landscape, both here and abroad, and was incredibly effective in getting her message across.

“It’s just a tragedy that it was all in the wrong direction.

And fellow Green councillor Ben Duncan said the former Prime Minister had “not exactly changed the country for the better”.

He said: “She set in motion the whole notion of privatisation that had terrible implications for the whole nation.

“As a politician I’m not exactly sad because the legacy of her politics won’t be here in the same way”